School Uniform
Summer Uniform
boys (KG)
- Check Shorts, Cream Shirt, Brown tie with White stripes, Black shoes and White socks.
girls (KG)
- Check Frock, Cream Shirt, Brown Tie with white stripes, Black buckled shoes with white socks.
boys (I to X)
- Brown shorts for classes I-IV, Brown Pants for classes V-X, plain white half sleeved shirts, plain white socks and Black battered shoes, brown neck tie with white stipes.
girls (I to X)
- Brown undivided skirts for Std. I-IV, and brown divided skirts from Std. V-X, plain white half sleeved shirt, plain white socks, black shoes with buckles, brown tie with white line, red ribbon with hair pins for double plaited hair. Girls with short hair shall wear red hair band and red hair pins. Skirts should be one inch below the knee.
boys (XI-XII)
- Striped Navy Blue Pants, Turquoise Blue shirts, Blue Tie with logo on it, plain white socks and Black battered shoes.
girls (XI-XII)
- Striped Navy Blue Pants, Turquoise Blue shirts, Blue Tie with logo on it, plain white socks and Black battered shoes, sleeveless waist coat.
Winter Uniform
boys (KG)
- Grey Pants, White full sleeved shirts, grey pullover and Navy Blue blazer.
girls (KG)
- Grey Frock with Grey socks, white full sleeved shirt, grey pullover, navy blue blazer.
boys (I to X)
- Grey terry wool pants, full sleeved white shirt, grey socks, black shoes, V-necked plain sleeveless or sleeved grey pullover, Navy blue blazer, blue tie with white stripes and red cap.
girls (I to X)
- Grey undivided skirt for Std. I-IV, Grey divided skirt for Std. V-X, full sleeved white shirt with collar, grey socks, black shoes, V-necked plain sleeveless or sleeved grey pullover. Skirts must be one inch below knees; and Navy-blue blazer and blue tie with white stripes. Anything worn overhead must be red.
boys (XI-XII)
- Striped Navy-Blue Pants, Turquoise Blue shirts, Blue Tie with logo on it, plain white socks and Black battered shoes, Navy blue striped blazer.
girls (XI-XII)
- Striped Navy-Blue Pants, Turquoise Blue shirts, Blue Tie with logo on it, plain white socks & Black battered shoes and Navy-blue striped blazer.