Leave and Holidays
- Attendance is compulsory on the first
and last day of each term.
- Application for sick leave involving
more than three consecutive days should be supported
by a medical certificate. Sick students should not be sent to school.
- Repeated absence without leave
application and unexplained absence for more than 10
consecutive days render the student liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls. Re-admission
if granted, will only be after the payment of fresh re-admission fee.
- For protracted absence due to
illness, a proper medical certificate must be submitted. A
student returning after illness from any infectious disease must produce a clearance certificate
from a qualified doctor.
- Unreasonable leave during the last
weeks of any termly examination is not permitted.
- Leave of absence will be granted only
on written application from parents/guardian, and
that too, not for more than three consecutive days if only there are grave reasons.
- Leaves exceeding three days will be
sanctioned only if the applications are submitted by
the parents personally.
- Exemptions from examination will be
sanctioned only if the parents submit application
- Every absence must be recorded in the
non-attendance/leave record at the end of the diary and it must be signed by
the parent/guardian.
- The Summer Vacation is from the 1st week
of June to the second week of July. Winter Vacation is for about two weeks
beginning from the second last week of December.
Recommendation to Parents / Guardians
- Personal Memo page in the school diary should be carefully filled in by the parents.
- Parents are advised to ensure that their children prepare their lessons regularly at home and take keen interest in the activities of the school.
- Parents/Guardians are requested to check the school diary of their ward daily and see that
the lessons and homework assigned for the next day are done. Remarks made in the diary should
be seen and countersigned regularly.
- If you observe that your ward is not being assigned homework for sometime, or that he/she is unable to follow the lessons, the matter should be brought to the notice of the Principal.
- Criticism of teachers or the school in the presence of students should be (prudently) avoided, as the students tend to lose respect for the teachers, with the consequent failure to learn from them. Should you have a legitimate complaint,
please bring it to the knowledge of the Principal.
- For any information regarding the school, please contact the school office during the office hours only.
- Parents are requested to sign the progress report and the occasional report issued by the teachers.
- Parents are not allowed to write notes/letter in the diary except on the page, "Record" for Non-Attendance and Parent's Report.
- As the medium of instruction is English, the children should be helped by regular conversation in this language.
- Parents are expected to co-operate with the school whenever the student's participation in co-curricular activities outside school hours is required.
- Parents/Guardians are requested to co-operate with the school in ensuring high standards of morality and discipline among the students.
- Parents may not disturb the staff and the students with untimely visit, but they are requested invariably to contact and discuss with the teachers their children's progress on parent's day from 9.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. in winter
and from 8.30 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. in summer.
- The school welcomes from the parents suggestions for improvement which are to be clear, precise and preferably put in writing.
- During working hours for any reason a student or students will not be sent from the school.
- Parents/guardians are requested to notify the school of any change in their addresses and
phone numbers.
- When Communicating with the school, parents are requested to mention the full name, admission no., standard and section of the children.
- Visitors will meet the Principal first and any dealing with the staff or the students will be done in consultation with him/her.
- Everyone who comes to the school campus has to be decently dressed. All night-wears,
sports-wear and shorts are prohibited on the school campus
- Parents who come to school need to carry the parents I.D. for all child-related
- All the students must greet all the staff members, visitors, class teacher and classmates. Special care must be taken to see that silence is maintained during the change of period.
- Students are responsible for the safe custody of their belongings. Nobody else shall be held responsible for jewellery or any other valuables brought to school by the students.
- Exchanging articles, lending and borrowing text books to and from other sections and
monetary transactions between students are strictly forbidden.
- Students are expected to take part in co-curricular activities with all enthusiasm and true spirit of sportsmanship.
- Pupils and parents are forbidden to give either individual or collective gifts to the teachers.
- No collection of money for any purpose whatsoever shall be made in the school without
the permission of the principal.
- The school accepts no responsibility if a student is obliged to return home during class hours because of the failure :
- to wear school uniform
- to bring the proper class work
- to get parent's/guardian's signature whenever necessary
- to attend the class in time
- All shall listen keenly to the timely directive given by the Principal and take care to abide by them
- Students are not allowed to receive visitors, make phone calls or leave the school premises during school hours without the permission of the principal.
- Parents are requested to ensure that their wards carry their tiffin with them when they leave for school in the morning. Due to security reasons, tiffin sent later will not be accepted.